Teaching yoga for the first time

I've been part of a non-religious community called Sunday Assembly for a couple of years now. I've become increasingly involved with the East End chapter, despite living nowhere near it. I just like the vibe. Anyway, about a week ago, my friend Sam, who was organising this particular Assembly, asked me if I would get up and do some yoga/meditation/breathing stuff, prior to a section called 'Moment of Reflection'. The theme was 'stretch', and she was trying to stretch me. I was scared, but in the spirit of saying yes more, I agreed to.

In the run up, I was pretty nervous. I prepared as much as I could, but didn't know how I'd actually feel standing up in front of all those people (I'm not sure on numbers but I think there were around 100, possibly more, in the room). As it turned out, it was totally fine. The minute I stood up, the nerves fell away and I was able to lead them through three modified sun salutations, some omming and some breathing to calm their parasympathetic nervous system and relax them. I looked at the room and everyone seemed really engaged with what I was doing, and looked very chilled out after. Afterwards, Sam told everyone 'yoga classes would be coming soon'! I did point out I still need to get on the course... and learn some quite important stuff...

The feedback was really kind and positive, particularly around the way I spoke - 'calm but not patronising' 'clear and well pitched' were a couple of the comments. It makes me feel more confident about teaching - but I can totally understand the terror of a newbie teacher now, I was so scared I would cock up the breath, forget what I was trying to say, and so on. As it turns out, that didn't happen. Preparation is the key. And truly believing in what you're saying. And it turns out loads more people do yoga in different ways than I thought!

Afterwards, I went over to my friend Sarah (not teacher Sarah)'s house, to do some bits and bobs. We did some legal work and then some yoga. Sarah wasn't feeling up for active asanas, so we worked on some seated stretches (tight hamstrings were definitely a feature!) and then did one of Doug Keller's yoga nidras, which was super relaxing. It was great to spend some time 1-on-1 working on things that you can't do in a big group, and starting to understand other people's bodies - their limits, energies, aspirations, needs. Sarah's a close friend, and I hope that as I go along I'll be able to keep working with her and that she'll be able to help me improve with her support!

I remember someone telling me, I can't remember where or when, only that it was something to do with yoga, that when you're ready to teach opportunities will start to open themselves up to you, and I guess Sunday was a perfect example of this. I have already been asked to teach at both my current workplace and for the East End gang, and am starting to teach friends informally, although of course proper classes will have to wait until I'm actually training and deemed 'safe' to teach and can get liability insurance!