
Why can't I say no? The teacher-student power imbalance

Why can't I say no? The teacher-student power imbalance

Power imbalance between teacher and student, whatever the discipline, is real and complex, affecting boundaries inside and outside of class. It’s time we considered how this imbalance affects us as teachers and as students; what impact it has on our consent practices, our use of touch, our interactions and the respect we have - or don’t - for each other.

The moral imperative: sexual violence and accountability in yoga

The moral imperative: sexual violence and accountability in yoga

Last week I was privileged enough to spend some time at the Brighton Yoga Festival, organised by the Brighton Yoga Foundation. Chaired by Theo Wildcroft and Jacqueline Hargreaves, the panel hosted Jubilee Cooke and Karen Rain, who had both flown over from the States specially, and Josna Pankhania, who had flown over from Australia.